Starting an “independent” blog in 2024

Post 1 start : 12/3/24

Why? Well for a multitude of reasons, getting myself out there, personal achievement ect. But why here, An internet backwater forgotten by everyone emulating an idea from years gone by? Because I don't care about ever becoming a large social media person or god forbid an “influencer”, I would much rather sit in a dark room talking to a wall and simply be happy with what I create. Very few people if anyone will ever see this, and that's completely fine. With that in mind, I would much rather have the customization and freedom offered by a web hosting service rather than a traditional tumblr esc blog. It's a bit more of a slippery slope getting everything set up but that's just how I would like it.

So that's the why but what about the who? Well I’m not gonna say much but, I'm a college student studying for a degree in computer science*. Personal hobbies include Self-Hosting, Computers, Video games, Linux and general computer nerd shit. I can play the violin relatively well and can tap out notes on piano and guitar. Anything more about myself I will save for a later date.

If you do decide you want to keep up with this blog, I’ll mostly be posting about computer stuff and personal anecdotes as well as a few tutorials for anything I particularly struggled with. These values are of course subject to change As interests grow and die, and limited by what I'm comfortable talking about publicly.

With That out of the way, Thank you for stopping by and listening to a stranger ramble to you and I wish you best of luck.


PS: if you're reading this, i'm still working on the website, it won't be boring black text on white background, i'm planning for a few different styles with some fancy javascript toggles, but thats gonna take a second, as i'm not planning on using any web development kit, just raw html css and javascript.

Post 1 End : 12/3/24